Are You Still Handing Out Business cards?
There is nothing wrong with handing out business cards at a networking event, provided this is done after you’ve had a real conversation with someone! You know... looked them in the eye, shook their hand and had a nice conversation!
Business cards serve a purpose, for sure, and I would not ever tell you to not carry them with you.
However, business cards serve no purpose if they end up stuffed in a bag, in your suit pocket or forgotten in your purse! You need to do something with the card in order for the networking to continue after your original meeting.
What do you need to 'do'? I'll get to that in a minute. First I have a question for you:
What Kind of Networker Are You?
Not sure? Watch this brilliant Wizard of Oz spoof, put together by a few amazing social media marketers - many of them my friends - and performed at Social Media Marketing World 2017.
I was in attendance at #SMMW17 and watched this LIVE - so fun!
Now that you understand the different types of networkers, and networking you could be doing - imagine this scenario.
You get home from a conference, or you are still in the airport or on the train, decompressing from the overload of information you just received. You want to connect online with the wonderfully smart and brilliant people you just met in-real-life.
Do not hesitate.
Do this:
Grab the stack of business cards from the event.
Take the top card and read the name of the first person, and recall the conversation.
Take your Smartphone out and record a 30-60 video message for that person.
Just send it via email or (my favorite way) Facebook messenger, right from your phone.
Now watch magic happen!
So far, I have gotten a 100% opening rate and a 100% response rate from this type of networking.
Why? It's video, of course!
Here are 5 reasons video makes you a better networker - if you are willing to use video that is!
1) Personal
Nothing, besides meeting face-to-face, is more personal than a personal video! People get to see you and hear you and by calling them by their name, they understand it's a private and intimate continuation of the conversation between the two of you!
2) Quick
Take a card. Read a name. Recall the conversation. Grab your Smartphone. Hit record. Talk 30-60 seconds. Send it. 2 minutes MAX on this one action. Quick enough?
3) Instant
The person who receives the video, will see it immediately. By sending it via Facebook Messenger, they see it pop up and can watch it instantly. If you send the video via email, if might take a few hours for your new connection to watch the video. However, almost every business person I know checks their email in the morning and before leaving work, so you'll most likely catch them that same day. This is different than if you were to connect say via LinkedIn. Many people don't have their LinkedIn notifications turned on, or simply don't check them.
4) Visual
People might not remember the exact conversation you had, or exactly what you looked like, but adding visual and audio components to your message with video, will trigger their memory of meeting you, and they will know (or recall) who you are.
5) Relevant
Remember I said to only take business cards from people you talked to? Doing this ensures you connect with relevant people; people who influence you, you have something in common with or who are just... cool! To put in the networking effort - connect beyond the event - there has to be something you instantly loved about that person.

Still not convinced? Hesitant about being on video or using video?
Join my No Fear Video Facebook group! This is a wonderfully active community of business owners and entrepreneurs who all want to start using video for marketing and networking purposes. We support one another and even do videos together!
Not sure about the 'magic' that will happen by sending people these "unsolicited" videos? How about these magic opportunities that have come my way in 2017?
Booked: three speaking engagements
Recorded: four podcasts
Completed: many Facebook Live appearances
Scheduled: new client meetings
Confirmed: guest blogging opportunities
Consulted: with out-of-town clients
Appeared: on local, live TV
All because I sent videos to people! Try it and you might like it.
See results and you will love it!